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PROmesh industrial switches brochure

PROmesh switches range includes three product families of high-performance indus- trial switches for all applications and every environmental situation. Permanently in-stalled in the control cabinet or decentrally in the field for IP67 environments.
Above-average quality, performance and ver-satility in use are features taken for granted with the PROmesh series products. Many products are already equally usable for PROFINET and Ethernet/IP.
PROFIBUS brochure

PROFIBUS has proved itself in the industrial practise as a reliable and stable network. The brochure PROFIBUS – Rediscover proven technology describes the basic technological coherences in compact form and indicates important quality standards. It is also presented how they can be checked and monitored reliably. Have a look now!
PDF document - 10,1 MB, last update: 07/20/2023Machine network services brochure

Network planning is one of the unique competencies of Indu-Sol, which enable customers to increase strategic network improvements at any time and achieve significant improvements when it comes to availability and performance.
We consider the whole network and generally achieve the required goal with up to 40% lower production costs.
Infrastructure components broschure

Due to digitization, the network areas of IT and OT are increasingly merging. As a result, formerly self-sufficient application networks such as PROFINET become heterogeneous or convergent networks. In addition to rethinking the selection of components, this development requires a new type of network planning.
PDF document - ca. 1,06 MB, last update: 05/02/2023EMC brochure

The increasing number of variable-speed drives, combined with an increasing degree of production automation, leads to increasing loads on equipotential bonding systems in industrial plants. The brochure Optimum equipotential bonding explains how to build a stable electromagnetic compatible structure of automation systems and how interferences can be detected. Take a look now!
PDF document - 7,7 MB, last update: 05/25/2023PROFINET brochure

In practical application, it is becoming clear that Ethernetbased networks such as PROFINET will gradually replace fieldbus technology and thus become the pathfinder for Industry 4.0 at the production level (operational technology, OT). Networks, which still have a mostly local structure today, will in the future grow together from the classically hierarchic structure of the automation pyramid into a large, complex network of decentralised distributed intelligences (so-called cyber-physical systems, CPS).
PDF document - 18,6 MB, last update: 02/24/2025D*BRIDGE + SIEDS brochure

With its self-learning teach mode and intelligent alarm management, the SIEDS sensor can be used for any type of condition monitoring in predictive maintenance and offers the possibility to evaluate a wide variety of assets in the industrial environment. The D*Bridge is an intelligent bridge device, which connects two or more fieldbuses on the OT level to one network.
PDF document - 0,7 MB, last update: 07/02/2024