Keep yourself informed with the help of our automatic update service


Registration for Update Service

Our update service informs you instantly about our software or firmware updates: As soon as a new version is published, the messenger will send you the appropiate download link. Keep yourself up-to-date. It pays!

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Please inform me about updates to following products

PROmanage® NT

PROscan® Active

PROFINET-INspektor® NT Firmware

iPNMA, intelligent PROFINET measuring point

PROmesh P8+F - PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet switch

PROmesh P9 - PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet switch

PROmesh P10 - PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet switch

PROmesh P10X - PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet IP67-Switch

PROmesh P9+ - PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet Switch

PROmesh P10+ - PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet Switch

PROmesh P20 - PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet Switch

PROmesh B8 compact

PROmesh B8 - PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet Switch

PROmesh B12 PoE - PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet Switch

PROmesh B16 - PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet Switch

PROmesh B28-R - Industrial Ethernet Switch

PROmesh B28-RL - Industrial Ethernet Switch


PROFIBUS-INspektor® NT Firmware


INBLOX® Firmware


ASi View


EMV-INspektor® V2 Firmware

EMCheck® View

BLUambas® Manager


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Your data will be kept confidential and under no circumstances disclosed to third parties. You may unsubscribe from our update service at any time by clicking on the appropriate link in each update message.

Do you have any questions regarding our update service?

We are at your service for your questions. Don't hesitate to contact us.

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